Deploying a cronjob to multiple clusters but only running in one: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Deploying a cronjob to multiple clusters but only running in one: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the headache of managing multiple cronjobs across different clusters? Do you wish there was a way to deploy a single cronjob to multiple clusters, but only have it run in one? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this feat.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem at hand. Imagine you have multiple Kubernetes clusters, each responsible for handling different tasks or environments (e.g., dev, staging, prod). You want to deploy a cronjob that runs a script to perform some maintenance tasks, but you only want it to run in one cluster, let’s say the production cluster.

The naive approach would be to create separate cronjobs for each cluster, but that’s not only tedious but also prone to errors and inconsistencies. You’d have to maintain multiple versions of the same cronjob, which can lead to version drift and make it difficult to troubleshoot issues.

The Solution: Using Kustomize and Helm

Fortunately, we can use Kustomize and Helm to deploy a single cronjob to multiple clusters, but only have it run in one. Kustomize is a Kubernetes native configuration management tool that allows you to define and apply configurations to your cluster. Helm, on the other hand, is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the process of installing and managing applications.

Here’s a high-level overview of the solution:

  1. Create a Kustomize configuration for your cronjob
  2. Use Helm to package the cronjob and deploy it to multiple clusters
  3. Use cluster-specific values to control which cluster the cronjob runs in

Step 1: Creating a Kustomize Configuration for Your Cronjob

First, let’s create a Kustomize configuration for our cronjob. Create a new file called `kustomization.yaml` with the following contents:

kind: Kustomization
  - cronjob.yaml

This `kustomization.yaml` file tells Kustomize to include the `cronjob.yaml` file in our configuration. Let’s create the `cronjob.yaml` file:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: my-cronjob
    - cron: 0 8 * * *
        - name: my-container
          image: my-image
          command: ["my-command"]

This `cronjob.yaml` file defines a simple CronJob that runs a container with the `my-image` image and executes the `my-command` command every day at 8am.

Step 2: Packaging the Cronjob with Helm

Next, let’s package our cronjob using Helm. Create a new file called `Chart.yaml` with the following contents:

name: my-cronjob
version: 1.0.0
description: My cronjob

This `Chart.yaml` file defines a new Helm chart called `my-cronjob` with version 1.0.0.

Let’s create a `values.yaml` file to store our cluster-specific values:

     enabled: true
     enabled: false
     enabled: false

This `values.yaml` file defines three clusters (prod, dev, and staging) with an `enabled` field set to `true` for the prod cluster and `false` for the dev and staging clusters.

Update the `Chart.yaml` file to include our `values.yaml` file:

name: my-cronjob
version: 1.0.0
description: My cronjob
  - values.yaml

Now, let’s create a `templates` directory and add our `cronjob.yaml` file to it:


Finally, let’s create a `requirements.yaml` file to define our dependencies:

  - name: kustomize
    version: ^3.5.4
    type: kustomize

This `requirements.yaml` file specifies a dependency on the Kustomize tool.

Step 3: Deploying the Cronjob to Multiple Clusters

Now that we’ve packaged our cronjob with Helm, let’s deploy it to multiple clusters using the following command:

helm upgrade --install my-cronjob --set clusters(prod).enabled=true --set clusters(dev).enabled=false --set clusters(staging).enabled=false

This command upgrades or installs the `my-cronjob` chart to our Kubernetes cluster, setting the `enabled` field to `true` for the prod cluster and `false` for the dev and staging clusters.

Controlling Which Cluster the Cronjob Runs In

By default, the cronjob will run in all clusters where the `enabled` field is set to `true`. To control which cluster the cronjob runs in, we can use the `cluster` field in our `values.yaml` file:

     enabled: true
     cluster: prod-cluster
     enabled: false
     cluster: dev-cluster
     enabled: false
     cluster: staging-cluster

In this example, we’ve added a `cluster` field to each cluster definition, specifying the name of the cluster where the cronjob should run.

Update the `cronjob.yaml` file to include the `cluster` field:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: my-cronjob
    - cron: 0 8 * *
        - name: my-container
          image: my-image
          command: ["my-command"]
  cluster: {{ }}

In this example, we’ve used the `cluster` field from our `values.yaml` file to specify the prod cluster as the target cluster for the cronjob.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to deploy a single cronjob to multiple clusters, but only have it run in one cluster. By using Kustomize and Helm, we can define and apply configurations to our cluster, and control which cluster the cronjob runs in using cluster-specific values.

This approach not only simplifies the process of managing multiple cronjobs across different clusters but also ensures consistency and accuracy.

Benefits of This Approach

  • Streamlined management: Manage multiple cronjobs from a single source of truth
  • Consistency: Ensure consistency across different clusters and environments
  • Accuracy: Reduce errors and inconsistencies by using a single configuration file
  • Flexibility: Easily scale and adapt to changing requirements

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Failing to define cluster-specific values, leading to unintended behavior
  • Not considering the order of operations when deploying to multiple clusters
  • Not testing the cronjob in each cluster before deploying to production
  • Not monitoring and logging the cronjob’s execution to ensure accuracy and reliability
Cluster Enabled Cluster
Prod true prod-cluster
Dev false dev-cluster
Staging false staging-cluster

We hope this article has provided a comprehensive guide to deploying a cronjob to multiple clusters, but only running in one. By following these steps and avoiding common pitfalls, you can ensure a smooth and efficient deployment process.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about deploying cronjobs to multiple clusters? We’ve got answers!

Why would I want to deploy a cronjob to multiple clusters but only run it in one?

You might want to do this to ensure high availability and scalability of your cronjob. By deploying it to multiple clusters, you can guarantee that your cronjob will continue to run even if one cluster goes down. And by only running it in one cluster, you can avoid duplication of efforts and reduce unnecessary resource usage.

How can I deploy a cronjob to multiple clusters using Kubernetes?

You can use Kubernetes Federation (also known as KubeFed) to deploy a cronjob to multiple clusters. KubeFed provides a unified way to manage resources across multiple clusters. You can define a cronjob in a single yaml file and then use KubeFed to deploy it to multiple clusters.

How can I ensure that my cronjob only runs in one cluster?

You can use a combination of Kubernetes annotations and a leader election mechanism to ensure that your cronjob only runs in one cluster. For example, you can use the `` annotation to specify the cluster where the cronjob should run. Then, you can use a leader election mechanism like Kubernetes LeaderElector to elect a leader node in that cluster and only run the cronjob on that node.

What are some popular leader election mechanisms that I can use?

Some popular leader election mechanisms include Kubernetes LeaderElector, Apache ZooKeeper, and etcd. These mechanisms provide a way to elect a leader node in a cluster and ensure that only one node is running a particular task or cronjob.

What are some best practices for deploying cronjobs to multiple clusters?

Some best practices for deploying cronjobs to multiple clusters include using a unified configuration management system, implementing rolling updates, and monitoring cronjob performance across clusters. You should also ensure that your cronjob is designed to be idempotent and can handle failures and retries.