Show N/A for all the null columns in Laravel Yajra Datatable
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Show N/A for all the null columns in Laravel Yajra Datatable

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Are you tired of dealing with empty columns in your Laravel Yajra Datatable? Do you want to display “N/A” instead of null or empty values? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to elegantly handle null columns in your datatables.

Why display “N/A” for null columns?

Displaying “N/A” for null columns can greatly improve the user experience and reduce confusion. It’s especially important when dealing with datasets that contain a lot of null or empty values. By replacing null values with “N/A”, you can:

  • Enhance the readability of your datatable
  • Reduce confusion and improve data interpretation
  • Make your datatable look more polished and professional

Preparation is key

Before we dive into the solution, make sure you have the following setup:

  1. Laravel 5.8 or higher installed
  2. Yajra Datatable installed and configured
  3. A basic understanding of Laravel and Yajra Datatable

The solution

The solution involves using a custom renderer function in Yajra Datatable. We’ll create a new function that checks if the column value is null, and if so, returns “N/A”. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a custom renderer function

In your Laravel project, create a new file in the helpers directory (e.g., `app/Helpers/DataTableHelpers.php`). Add the following code:

namespace App\Helpers;

class DataTableHelpers {
  public static function renderNAText($value) {
    return $value === null ? 'N/A' : $value;

This function takes a value as an argument and returns “N/A” if the value is null. Otherwise, it returns the original value.

Step 2: Update your Datatable configuration

Open your Datatable configuration file (usually `app/Datatables/yourdatatable.php`) and add the custom renderer function to the columns array:

namespace App\Datatables;

use App\Helpers\DataTableHelpers;

class YourDatatable extends DataTable
  public function columns()
    return [
       * Other columns...
      Column::make('column_name')->title('Column Title')->render(function ($row) {
        return DataTableHelpers::renderNAText($row->column_name);
       * Other columns...

In the above code, we’re using the `render` method to specify a custom renderer function for the column. We’re calling the `renderNAText` function and passing the column value as an argument.

Step 3: Apply the changes

Finally, update your Datatable instance to use the new configuration:

$datatable = new YourDatatable();

Voilà! You now have “N/A” displayed for null columns

Refresh your datatable and you should see “N/A” displayed for all null columns. This will greatly improve the readability and user experience of your datatable.

Tips and Variations

Want to customize the “N/A” text or apply this solution to multiple columns? Here are some tips and variations:

  • To customize the “N/A” text, simply modify the `renderNAText` function to return the desired text.
  • To apply this solution to multiple columns, create an array of column names and loop through them in your renderer function.
  • You can also use this solution to handle empty strings or other custom conditions by modifying the `renderNAText` function accordingly.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to display “N/A” for all null columns in Laravel Yajra Datatable. This simple yet effective solution can greatly improve the user experience and readability of your datatables. By following these steps, you’ll be able to elegantly handle null columns and take your datatable to the next level.

Before After
ID Name Email
1 John Doe null
2 Jane Doe
ID Name Email
1 John Doe N/A
2 Jane Doe N/A

See the difference? By displaying “N/A” for null columns, we’ve greatly improved the readability and user experience of our datatable. Give it a try and see the results for yourself!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with showing “N/A” for all null columns in Laravel Yajra Datatable? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why do I see empty columns instead of “N/A” in my Laravel Yajra Datatable?

By default, Laravel Yajra Datatable does not display “N/A” for null columns. To change this behavior, you can use the `render` function in your Datatable column definition to return “N/A” when the value is null.

How do I use the `render` function to show “N/A” for null columns?

You can use the `render` function like this: `{‘data’: ‘column_name’, ‘render’: function(data, type, row) { return data ? data : ‘N/A’; }}`. This will return “N/A” if the value is null, and the actual value otherwise.

Can I apply this to all columns in my Datatable?

Yes, you can apply this to all columns by using a loop to iterate over your columns and apply the `render` function to each one. For example: `columns.forEach((column) => { column.render = function(data, type, row) { return data ? data : ‘N/A’; }; });`

What if I want to show a different value instead of “N/A”?

No problem! Simply replace ‘N/A’ with the value you want to display. For example, if you want to show ‘Not Available’, you can use `return data ? data : ‘Not Available’;`.

Does this work for all types of columns, including date and timestamp columns?

Yes, this approach works for all types of columns, including date and timestamp columns. The `render` function will check if the value is null, regardless of the column type, and return “N/A” if it is.

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